The tree is all set, on which ornaments like baubles, balls, snowmen, angels, and string lights are hung and presents are placed underneath. The house looks very decorated with the Christmas tree and all the festive ornaments. All that is left is a plan for the day, so what do the French do exactly to celebrate Christmas?

It probably goes without saying that the perfect way to spend Christmas in France is to spend it with family, but it’s probably also safe to say that you still need some edible to make your Christmas memorable. In France, before the feast is ready, many French will be busy making sablés, marinating the chicken to be roasted in the oven, or preparing escargots based on their own traditional recipes. It is not uncommon to have glasses of champagne or rosé or mulled wine for drinks as well as foie gras, cheese platter, charcuterie board, and freshly shucked oysters for appetisers. It’s worth noting that foie gras and oysters are not on the day-to-day menu of any French household but more for special occasions like Christmas. Often, foie gras is accompanied with Christmas jam such as: oranges, apples, dried fruits to fully appreciate this delicacy. Marmalade is usually the preference among the French as it was considered rare and precious in the past.
On the dining table, there is also chocolate. As a nation, the French love their chocolate. It won’t be surprising to see all sorts of chocolate at Christmas to spoil the young and the old. If you haven’t found the perfect chocolate, click to discover our Christmas chocolate boxes made by the chocolatiers of Maxim’s de Paris in France.

Besides eating chocolate and drinking wine, card games or board games are also very common to create cheerful moments during a family gathering at Christmas in France.
Christmas Pictionary is THE game to play: we write words related to Christmas on small papers and put them in a box. Then, we are divided into two teams. A member of the team draws a word and gives hints so the team can guess it in 1 minute.
Christmas Stocking Guessing Game is another fun, easy game to enjoy: we first hide some Christmas-themed objects (Santa, candy canes, bells, baubles, chocolate etc.). Then, we close the sock with a ribbon and ask the teams to guess what it’s inside the sock by feeling it.
There are also some who may prefer a movie or a Christmas story to read with the children. Some may also be doing some last-minute wrapping for the Christmas presents while enjoying conversing with other family members. After all, this is the day that requires all hands on deck.
Children adore magic! What’s better than dressing up as Santa Claus while handing gifts to let them experience the Christmassy mystery? Remember to play some Christmas songs and hang some red socks by the walls and windows to top up the vibe. Of course, if you want your children to relive the moments, RECORD them! Christmas gives everyone an opportunity to take wicked or hilarious shots, the craziest the better. These moments of joy are family treasure. Immortalise them during Christmas games and dinner!
If the weather grants it, some children in France will get to leave their footprints on a snowy night and play some snowballs. But if you don’t have the opportunity, simply staying with family is not a bad idea at all.
P.s. Wanna read The Two Frances That I Get to Know?