They do look like some normal circular golden brown cookies that you would find anywhere on the streets. BUT THEY AREN’T. They say don’t judge a book by its cover. It couldn’t be truer on these Breton Shortbread Cookies.
From sieving the flour to baking the dough to packaging the cookies, it’s all done by the hands of the craft nuns in the Abbaye la joie Notre Dame in Bretagne (Breton), France. So behind every cookie that you taste, it is a unification of an ancestral recipe and devotion that makes these Breton cookies extraordinarily tasty. Of course, nothing a great cook can do without the right ingredients. Made of only fresh and local butter and eggs as well as the wheat flour produced in France, the butter cookies have earned themselves the Monastic label. The French label only validates products with great uniqueness and quality, so you know these Breton shortbread cookies are quite something.
When I first tried them, I was really amazed by the aftertaste they left. I expected them to be buttery, but what I didn’t expect was that THE TASTE OF BUTTER CAME BACK even after I swallowed the cookie. It was like some freshly melted butter lingering in my mouth and only starting to fade when I realised I wanted more. It was an uncommon tasting experience found in a common food and that’s what made me fall in love with them.
Mind you, they can be quite addictive, but with buttery taste like this … who cares :D
P.s. If you look carefully, you will find the white decorative pattern on the black stripes. Well, this is the regional emblem of Breton.