If you have any long-term skin problems, including eczema or any allergies, try Saint-Corentin! At least, this is how the founder, Corentin, helped alleviate his partner’s eczema. She had been unable to find a showering or cleansing product that would not make her skin itchy. Feeling for her, Corentin decided to find the right formula that could create his own organic soaps.
Having been taught to love and respect nature by his grandparents, Corentin has always been interested in plants. Seeing that his partner, who had eczema problems, struggled to find any shower gel that was not aggressive to her skin, he decided to leave his job and took part in a certified soap-making training to learn everything about soap. With a lot of experiments and patience (from her), Corentin was finally able to find a formula that makes soaps and shampoos that are suitable for all skin types.
This’s how Saint-Corentin, a French brand specialised in handmade natural soaps, shampoos, and cosmetics, was created. The foundation of their products is vegetable fats. To activate saponification, the brand uses demineralised water and soda. Then, some mineral products (clays) and plants (plant powder or essential oils) are added to take care of our skin and health. What’s more? All of their soaps are made through the cold saponification process, so the beneficial and natural properties of the oils can be preserved. Good right?
All that just to tell you Saint-Corentin’s products are natural and organic. The brand has even obtained the label from Nature & Progrès, an association that has been advocating organic agriculture since 1964. As a local artisanal soap maker, Saint-Corentin have certainly proven how generous nature is and know what plants are beneficial to us.
P.S. Saint-Corentin’s soaps have a natural herbal fragrance and the effects are immediate. My skin won’t feel dry and tight now after bath, which is exactly what the brand has promised.
P.P.S. Saint-Corentin is a symbol of a little French town called Quimper, where Corentin the founder has based his workshop. Legend has it that Saint-Corentin left part of a fish at the edge of his fountain one day. When he returned the next day, he found the fish to be intact and alive. Since then, he ate only a part of that fish and waited for it to grow back. So Corentin (apart from sharing the same name) borrowed the saint’s name for his company to remind us of the fact that nature always gives us what we need.